That #Represent698 that made the rounds online is now taking to the streets. So, if you thought it was over, calm down – there’s more. Flex with PUMA and Jameson for a one night only blow out on 13 November at Bassline in Newtown, Johannesburg.

The Represent698crew including Jack Parow and Riky Rick will lay it down – beats, bars and all. There might even be a surprise performance on the night.
Represent698 Party Group Poster ­ image 01[1]

698 tickets will be released on 15 October for R100 from Webtickets. You’re going to want to move #ForeverFaster so you don’t miss out.

Represent698 Party Group Poster ­ image 02[1]

To find out more follow Riky and the rest of on the crew on Twitter and Instagram, as well as the PUMA Facebook page. Or follow @PUMASouthAfrica and #Represent698 to join the conversation.